Energy Edge members have long been involved in market design, policy and energy market compliance. The team can assist by interpreting complex legislation (current and proposed) and analysing how that regulation will impact a business and ensure clients are compliant with the relevant regulations.
Energy Edge portfolio of projects include:
- Development and review of Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) compliance manuals.
- Development and implementation of trading, risk management and governance frameworks for new entrants to the electricity, gas, domestic environmental product, carbon, oil and foreign exchange markets
- Subject Matter Expert advisors for Government energy market reviews, renewable energy policy advice, including the Queensland government’s QRET and CleanCo initiatives, and market modelling
- The establishment of trading governance frameworks and policies
- Modelling of electricity and LGC supply/demand and price implications of different regulatory and market fundamental scenarios
- Gap analysis and compliance register for the National Energy Rules, National Gas Rules and Clean Energy Regulation
- Review of re-bids, bid logs and an analysis of generation output
- Drafting of re-bidding and re-nominating procedures and processes
- Business continuity and disaster recovery plans