The Edge – Energy Market Reports (Jan – Mar 2024)

Q1 2024 The Edge – Energy Market Reports topics

Energy Edge has recently published The Edge – Energy Market reports.


11 Jan 2024 Edge Report (Subscriber Link)

  • Analysis of the JKM Netback forward prices for C2024 and the 57% fall over the past twelve months.
  • The AER Default Market Offer draft decision is due in the coming month. This edition looks at the wholesale input costs.
  • Santos and Woodside are looking at a merger – We investigate any potential competition threats.


22 Jan 2024 Edge Report (Subscriber Link)

  • Queensland Record Demand (Part 1) – Queensland has broken the underlying demand record (and the grid demand is sight); but by how much?
  • Latest ISP assumptions are out, batteries prices are expected to fall over the coming decade, but they have jumped significantly in the past two years. Let’s investigate.


01 Feb 2024 Edge Report (Subscriber Link)

  • Queensland Record Demand (Part 2): Review of the record Queensland electricity demand(s) in both Grid and Underlying. We compare the outcomes against two different metrics for the weather.
  • Coal Offline Rates: With the delay to Callide C RTS, we investigate the coal offline rates across the NEM and classify different assets based on operational performance.


13 Feb 2024 Edge Report (Subscriber Link)

  • We are seeing historical Lows at Longford, with the facility running below 300TJ/d.  Let’s compare against the Historical, Medium Term Capacity Outlook and the Offer volumes in DWGM and STTM.
  • And in breaking news; the Western Outer Ring Main has now been commissioned. Let’s investigate!


15 Feb 2024 Edge Report (Subscriber Link)

  • In this special edition we focus on the major topic of the week; the significant power system event in Victoria.
  • Analysis includes the timing and impact of the transmission line outages  alongside the Loy Yang A outage,  BOM radars over the two critical weather events,  return to service timelines, response by gas generation and gas supplies and the key findings, and remaining questions in the aftermath.


6 Mar 2024 Edge Report (Subscriber Link)

  • In this special edition we focus on the major topic of the week; the isolation of the QGP due to fire.
  • What announcements have been made by AEMO?  Where is the event and what is (likely) going on?  Who is affected?  What is the impact on Meridian, Gladstone industrial load and other pipelines?  What happens next?


26 Mar 2024 Edge Report (Subscriber Link)

  • AEMO’s Gas Statement of Opportunities (GSOO24) has been released.  This edition investigates projected declines in supply, the robust domestic gas demand, projected role of Iona and QSN gas flows, LNG exports and their role and the prevalence of unforeseen events.
  • With Eraring is due to exit in 500 days, we look at the role of Eraring in meeting the peak demand, and the composition of other assets required to meet “One Eraring”.


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