The Edge – Energy Market Reports (Apr – Jun 2024)

Q2 2024 The Edge – Energy Market Reports topics

Energy Edge has recently published The Edge – Energy Market reports.


16 Apr 2024 Edge Report (Subscriber Link)

  • Analysis of readiness for Winter 2024 – BoM forecasts, comparison to historical weather conditions, and individual, subregional and aggregate demand analysis.
  • Update on the ACCC Gas Price Cap Exemptions under the Gas Market Code, including ministerial exemptions and exemption conditions.


3 May 2024 Edge Report (Subscriber Link)

  • Rumours continue to swirl around the delay of the Eraring Exit in August 2025; let’s investigate the data!
  • Minerva Decommissioning and Longford Coverage: The exit of Minerva, DWGM Coverage by Longford, QSN Gas Flows ahead of winter 2024 and an LNG Imports Update.
  • Investigation into the the recent NEM Wind Drought, and comparison against history and against the REZ data


20 May 2024 Edge Report (Subscriber Link)

  • Over multiple periods on the 7th and 8th May, New South Wales hit the Cumulative Price Threshold.  Find our full summary of events in this edition, including…
    • Understanding the quantum in terms of annual spot and impact on the Futures Cap market.
    • Influence of Interconnectors.
    • Physical Real Option with Cap Effectiveness and Undispatched Capacity Cap Effectiveness.
    • Extension of analysis to all fuel sources, including all fuel sources by quarter since 2020.


7 Jun 2024 Edge Report (Subscriber Link)

  • Start of Winter Gas Market Review – including retail demand, weather, Iona utilisation, Longford supply, Qld LNG.
  • The Wind Drought Ends: We look at the end of the wind drought and the implications of regional diversification within capacity constraints.
  • Lazard’s LCOE – The latest update to the Levelized Cost of Energy, Storage and Hydrogen Report is out now; we recap.
  • Coming Soon to Market – Overview of ASX Wallumbilla Gas Futures.


18 Jun 2024 Edge Report (Subscriber Link)

  • With chilly temperatures forecast for Melbourne, and the slow return to service of Longford, Edition 205 examines the current conditions, including Longford’s capacity outlooks, QSN flows, Iona market share and the role of SGM GPG.


28 Jun 2024 Edge Report (Subscriber Link)

  • With a heavy focus on the gas market, edition #206 looks covers a number of topics, including…
    • Comparative demand and supply to the Victorian region.
    • Assessment of the role of the Victorian network.
    • Gas Production Behaviour : Comparison of short term capacity outlook and medium term capacity outlook for SGM gas production.
    • Woleebee Creek – the new King of the Castle!


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